"My life is the virtual world. If I don't have access [I feel] I'm missing something. I'm a single mom; I don't get out a lot. It's not like I can just get out." - Digital Mom (2009)

Making the assumption that any demographic group thinks, feels and acts homogeneously is a mistake. Within any person, or group of people, there exists a repertoire of motivations that can influence their behavior. Digital moms are no exception; just because they’re mothers doesn’t mean they think and act the same way.
If you happen to be in an organization that considers the needs of mothers as important, then maybe you should be attending the 2nd Annual Marketing to Digital Moms Conference. Held in Toronto from the 27th to 28th of April, the conference will feature a range of expert speakers including Andrew Assad from Microsoft, Sidneyeve Matrix from Queen's University and Erica Ehm from YummyMummyClub.
I’m also looking forward to participating in this conference, and sharing the findings from a brand new Concerto Marketing study that we’re conducting for the event. Our study will be exploring the deeper motivations of digital moms, and how the online medium influences their lives. For more information on the event, check out the conference website.

Making the assumption that any demographic group thinks, feels and acts homogeneously is a mistake. Within any person, or group of people, there exists a repertoire of motivations that can influence their behavior. Digital moms are no exception; just because they’re mothers doesn’t mean they think and act the same way.
If you happen to be in an organization that considers the needs of mothers as important, then maybe you should be attending the 2nd Annual Marketing to Digital Moms Conference. Held in Toronto from the 27th to 28th of April, the conference will feature a range of expert speakers including Andrew Assad from Microsoft, Sidneyeve Matrix from Queen's University and Erica Ehm from YummyMummyClub.
I’m also looking forward to participating in this conference, and sharing the findings from a brand new Concerto Marketing study that we’re conducting for the event. Our study will be exploring the deeper motivations of digital moms, and how the online medium influences their lives. For more information on the event, check out the conference website.